Today, YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”)have tens of thousands of volunteer staff (called “YWAMers”) from nearly every country of the world ...
From All Nations to All Nations
To serve and bless the people of Saint Lucia, the Caribbean and the Nations beyond. to raise a generation who will love God with all of their hearts and others as themselves, Equipped to extend His love to those in need.
“To see a society where every young person is empowered to achieve holistic development, gaining a deeper knowledge of the creator and understanding of self and role in the community, equipped to make meaningful contributions for a positive impact locally and until the uttermost part of the earth"
We affirms the Bible as the inspired and authoritative word of God and, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the absolute reference point for every aspect of life and ministry.
We are called to praise and worship God alone, to lead holy and righteous lives that exemplify the nature and character of God, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him, to engage in intercessory prayer for the people and causes on God’s heart, including standing against evil in every form.
We commit to the Church in both its local nurturing expression and its mobile multiplying expression (Fellowship), to contribute toward God’s Kingdom purposes in every sphere of life.
Download complete Foundational Values document.
All the taff of YWAM are volunteers and do not receive any salary from the organization.
Most of our Full Time staff meet their financial needs by partnering with friends and churches who support their ministry with us. In some areas, our staff work in other businesses for financial, practical or ministry reasons.
Our Volunteer can be Full Time like staff or Part Time, associate staff/volunteer.
All our Staff are Volunteer and have to raise their own personal and ministry support. Full Time staff /Volunteer Serve With YWAM as primary occupation; fully dedicated to the ministry they have to spend at least 8 hours daily 6 days per week on ministry related services. for the duration of their commitment. Full Time Volunteers rely on God's provision mainly through Friend Family and church to covers their personal family and ministry needs.
Country: Saint Lucia
Long Term Full Time Staff
Ministry: YWAM St Lucia Base Co- Leader, Children/ Kids Club, Kitchen, Secretary, Evangelism, Prayer Station, Youth..
Started: 2011.
Commitment: Not define
Country: Cameroon
Long Term Full Time Staff
Ministry: YWAM St Lucia Base Co- Leader, Technical Maintenance, Outreach, Evangelism, Prayer Station, Youth...
Started 2011
Commitment: Not define
Country: Swizerland
Short Term Full Time Volunteer
Ministry: Intercession, Worship, Youth Ministry & Kid's Club, Data entry
Started Sept 2022
Commitment: March 2023
Status is ACTIVE when they are at the date of last Update of our website active in the ministry indicated
Commitment is Not Define when they have not yet indicated a date to end their volunteer commitment
Ministry: Indicate some of the main ministry they are involve in
NOTE: All our Staff are Volunteer and have to raise their own support for the ministry;
Part Time volunteers
(Associate staff) often have another primary employment, and
offer some of their free
time to serve with YWAM. commitments are variable from a few hours each weeks/month to a few days each year.
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry : Youth, Kid's Club, Prayer Station
Started 2013
Commitment: Not define
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry: Accounting & Bookeeping Team.
Started 2013
Commitment: Not define
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry: Account & Bookeeping.
Started 2014
Commitment: Not define
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry : Youth, Kid's Club, Prayer Station
Started 2017
Commitment: Not define
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry: Youth Ministry / Evangelism Team.
Started 2020
Commitment: Not define
Country: UK
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry:Youth & Kid's Club, Planing
Started 2019
Commitment: Not define
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry: Youth, Kids Club...
Started 2019
Commitment: Not define
Country: Saint Lucia
Part Time Associate Volunteer
Ministry: Mission Adventure Team.
Started 2013
Commitment: Not define
Many have volunteer With us
and continue to do so from time to time since the start of ywamSL :
Short Term, Part Time/Associate, etc.
Status is ACTIVE when they are at the date of Today active in the ministry indicated
Commitment is Not Define when they have not yet indicated a date to end their volunteer commitment
Ministry: Indicate some of the main ministry they are involve in
Whatever way you want to serve God, you can most likely do it in YWAM! Being on staff with YWAM is an adventure in faith. Join full time staff for a couple of years, or stay for life.
Our staff come from numerous different Christian denominations and a variety of Nations and cultural background.
YWAM does not pay its staff or volunteers. In some instances we can forward support raised by the volunteer themself or by the ywam location and send to the ywam office for process to the volunteer or staff in question. Most of our staff and volunteer meet their financial needs by partnering with friends, churches or other institution who support their ministry. In some region of the world, our staff work in other businesses for finance, practical or ministry reasons. Part-time volunteers /staff have other more or less remunerative jobs allowing them to meet their needs.
Our Volunteer/staff can be full time ( trusting God for all ) or part time, associate staff/volunteer from all works of life (with some other gainful employment). At YWAM all our personnel are Volunteers, contributing by serving benevolently and have to raise own funds to contribute or undertake the ministry tasks.
All Skill and expertise is needed ! Whether you bring in ministry experience in Missions, Pastoral care, Evangelism, Worship, Children, Intercession or you come with skills and expertise in various practical areas such as Accounting, Construction, Hospitality, Events planning, Office Administration, Community Development, Education, Vocational Training etc… you are welcome and we have one thing in common: “…doing all things for the glory of God…” as indicated in 1 Corinthians 10:31
Trouya Road, Bois d'Orange , Gros islet
Castries Saint Lucia
Phone: +1(758)286-2967
ywamSL is part of the YWAM global family of Ministries.