Kerima Antoine’s Testimony
It's a beautiful experience when you know God is leading you in a particular direction, following that lead and seeing the rewards of it. Hi my name is Kerima Antoine and I am from Vieux - Fort, St. Lucia. I was a full time Discipleship Training School (DTS) student at YWAM St. Lucia in 2016.
Years before actually doing DTS, two of my friends who had done it came back boasting of the remarkable changes that took place in their lives and the transforming experience they had doing this course. Really excited, they told me 'Kerima, YOU MUST DO THIS COURSE'!!! Immediately I was intrigued and thought about it. I wanted to enroll the following year but it was not God's timing.
The years rolled by and I barely thought about it again until 2015 when Holy Spirit was taking me through a period of being broken before Him. Then the idea came about again of doing the DTS. (That was in November of 2015). I said yes to Holy Spirit's leading but my first thought was HOW AM I GOING TO PAY FOR THIS?? I told the Lord I don't have money to do this program. I thought of taking a loan, but that was not to be. I hesitated to full in the application not until the very last day before registration was to close. With the encouragement from the Word of God, I told my self I'm going to take a leap of faith. And so began my journey....
God reminded me of His word in Genesis 12 where He told Abraham to leave his country, his people and his father's house to a land that I WILL SHOW YOU. It takes great faith and trust in God to follow that directive; yet in my spirit this was exactly what God was saying to me. Because I was clueless as to how God would come through with finances to pay for the program. But of course He did with extra to spare at the end. experience was a wonderful one and I do believe God wanted me there at that particular time. One of my biggest struggles was poor self esteem, poor self confidence, poor self image and not loving me enough for what I look like and who I am. Also the fact that there's nothing I could do more or less for God to love me. This was dealt with when we did the topic 'The Father Heart of God'. God allowed me to see me for who I am and affirmed my worth in Him. He assured me of His unconditional love towards me. During that week He opened my heart to be able to receive and cement His truth of who I am in Him. Today there are things I can boldly do because of what He did which I would have shied away from or never done. For example: something as simple as having the confidence to eat alone at a restaurant!
Another thing I truly enjoyed was the prayer station we held in the city - Castries, where we prayed for people on the street. One of the testimonies coming from that was: when my classmate and I prayed for a lady to get a job and the next time we came to do the prayer station she came back to report that not too long after we prayed she in fact got a job. This was exciting news to hear and we celebrated with her.
I really enjoyed going to the homeless shelter to help feed those who came in for meals or groceries, helping with feeding people on the street and going to the orphanage to visit abandoned children. Ministering to children whilst doing my outreach in the Dominican Republic and seeing them respond to the gospel with open hearts.
These are a few examples of soooo many experiences that we had that changed my life and outlook on my world around me. If you are prayerfully considering doing this program, I would say GO FOR IT!!! You will never be the same and look out for avenues where God will use you afterwards!
Trouya Road, Bois d'Orange , Gros islet
Castries Saint Lucia
Phone: +1(758)286-2967
ywamSL is part of the YWAM global family of Ministries.