
Get Involved by Volunteering

There are numerous ways you can serve/ volunteer with us scroll down this page to explore some of them..

Whatever way you want to serve God, you can most likely do it in YWAM! Being on staff with YWAM is an adventure in faith. Join full time staff for a couple of years, or stay for life.

Short Term Volunteer or Intern Track

This is for you if you

Want to explore/experiment service /ministry for a short time,

 you are asking yourself or want to see if missions is right for you?  On a Sabbatical year, long vacation or you are current student,  recent graduate, as Intern for an Internship,

Duration of the Commitment:

from 1 month  to  1 year

Short-Term Volunteering is for people who want to meet some temporary need on the field or explore their fit for missions—supporting the the YWAM Base a Ministry team on the ground.

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Very Short term Volunteer or Missons Trip Track

If what you are looking for is

to volunteer  as individuals or team with  or without a particular ministry and/or help wherever you can. you want to fulfill  a special event, outreach project, or need facing a church, or field missionaries. You basically want to take a short "Mission Trip"

Duration of the Commitment:

from a few days to  2 months

whether you are young, middle age or retiree, desiring to redeem your time for a great cause. Join us for a local Saint Lucia or oversea outreach... This could also be a short Internship opportunity.

Associate Staff or Part Time Volunteer

“You are  self-funded and want to serve alongside us or a missionary team.” or If you have a full time Job and you are wondering how to Help or put your skills to use in missions on set or define schedule with YWAM Saint Lucia, Volunteering Part Time is the option for you.

Any duration of the Commitment:

from 1h a week to any

Young or senior Associate Staff often have a calling that they can fulfill while holding different type of job or using their skill. Associate often  need little or no third party financial support. Associate Staff could include tentmakers, business as missions (BAM), itinerant Instructor/counselors,Pastoral care, retirees, or skill individual using their Skill to assist in specific area: Accounting,  design and more...

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    Part Time Volunteer and Short Term in outreach

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Long Term & Mid-Term Track

You are called and have seriously consider  career missions and are send out by your organization/ church or group to serve with YWAM. For a Mid-Term Candidate (up to 4 year or so) “you want a serious apprenticeship experience, to see if long-term is right for you. Long Term (over 4 years) “you know and  want to be a career missionary.”

Duration of the Commitment:

Two Years and Over

We will be delighted to have you join our staff at YWAM St. Lucia.   YWAM is a fun multicultural community of all ages and from different Christian tradition and backgrounds.

When considering  Long or Mid-Term staff track with YWAM ? in general we will encourage you to complete a YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS). This is not only for training purpose since some of the Long Term candidate may  already have some form of formal or Informal training,  but rather to get acquainted  with the YWAM culture and teams dynamic.

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Easy ways to Get Involve

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