In July we received two teams: The Korean prayer team that was as usual is a great blessing to us and the base. They prayed and served in various ways. After them a group of youth from Lancaster PA was with us for a week before the Summer Mission Adventure: the largest so far with YWAM Saint Lucia was held from August 2nd to 15th. We had over 40 people from 8 nationalities involved (including volunteers/staff). The largest group (19) came from Barbados. The vision of the program is to disciple young persons and mobilize the Caribbean Wave passing on tools to help in their relationship with God and build healthy relationships with others.
Full time Staff: Volunteer, Base Leaders managing the pioneering project of YWAM in Saint Lucia since 2011.
September is usually the less busy time here at the YWAM base which gives us time to plan. This year we want to take time out specifically to pray and listen to the voice of God regarding:
- a permanent property for YWAM Saint Lucia
- The coming years
- Staff training…
This year as you may know Asaph is going to preschool for one year. He started off with 2 days of orientation which he totally liked and did very well. School officially opened on Wednesday September 2nd, 2015. He will be in school from 8:00am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday.
We will really miss having him around during the day but at least it will give me (Marylin) some more time to do some things I am not able to do when he is around.
We thank God for the way He has taken care of us thus far, for sustaining us as a family and for health and strength to carry out the work He has called us to do here in Saint Lucia and the Nations.
Despite the fact that we are yet to meet our budget, we take this time to express our thanks and gratitude to God for His provision and for using you our friends and partners who are standing in the gap on our behalf with your prayers and financial support. Thank you for allowing God to use you to help meet our needs!
Our prayer is that you may be filled with the KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may have a WALK WORTHY OF THE LORD, fully pleasing Him, BEING FRUITFUL in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; STRENGTHENED WITH ALL MIGHT, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long Suffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. (Col. 1:9-12)
Praise the Lord - The Summer Mission Adventure was a success we had over 40 people from 8 nationalities including staff and volunteers and had to rent two apartments nearby.
- Junior and Caleb that stayed after their DTS to help us staff the program alongside Nicole, Merlisha and local Volunteers like Joan and Keegan
Pray for
To Support Guy, Marylin and Asaph Financially
- Support can be made online at:
- For Canadian Tax Deductible Receipt send cheque to:
YWAM Project Funding Office (account code# WG 05)
PO Box 57100 RPO East Hastings
Vancouver, BC V5K 5G6
* Please note: for all Canada tax deductible donations Cheque should be made out to YWAM with a separate note stating that the gift is for Guy M. & Marylin Weka Fotso(account code# WG 05). Do no write our names on the cheque. For more information on how to support via ywam canada visit this page:
Trouya Road, Bois d'Orange , Gros islet
Castries Saint Lucia
Phone: +1(758)286-2967
ywamSL is part of the YWAM global family of Ministries.