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June 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

Here come summer ! Where has the time gone… indeed time is moving swiftly into eternity. Let us have the determination to work for the Kingdom because it is only what we do for the Kingdom of God that will last for eternity. Matthew 6:19-21

Since March much of our time has been spent between ministry to the Boy’s Centre, Kids Clubs, Church Mobilization, Homeschooling our son and multiple meetings in person and online, not forgetting our Book by Book Inductive Bible Study.


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Prayer Luncheon in June 2023

On June 10th we had our Prayer Luncheon, the second ever organized. This activity is an idea from our Board of Directors and aims at raising awareness about the ministry of YWAM Saint Lucia, recruiting partners /volunteers, raising funds, and praying for the ministry. Each time a theme is selected on which a guest speaker will address attendees. This June the theme was "Kingdom Principles for Conflict Resolution". The meals and the venue was completely paid for and all the proceeds was collected to support the ministry of YWAM in Saint Lucia.
We are grateful for the initiative and thankful for your support, coming or bringing friends.  We saw over one hundred persons from various denominations purchasing tickets for a great buffet meal offered at the
BEACON, one of the best Restaurants on the Island. 


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    As you can see Asaph is now taller than his mother

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    Asaph Elementary School Graduation Souvenir Photo.

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    Grade 7 here he comes...

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    sweet stuff

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    sweet stuff

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    sweet stuff

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    sweet stuff

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    sweet stuff

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    visit of friends from Barbados passing through

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    Birthday cake


Asaph is officially in Secondary School having completed his grade 6. He will be continuing grade 7  with Abeka Academy. We are looking to see him be more autonomous as he will be taking some of his tests directly online with the school.

During the past academic year he has enjoyed boarding the public bus to go to the French Cultural Centre in Castries twice per week to take French classes, where he can also interact with more kids his age beyond the Kids Clubs.


Happy Birthday at Kids club

Marylin has been creative, making ice lollies and all kinds of sweet stuff on order; she actually enjoys doing them besides facilitating numerous missions meeting with the church district among others. We are presently helping with organizing PAWI Regional Youth Missions Training Camp that will keep us quite busy; we had to postpone our YWAM Summer Mission adventure to this effect.

It is always a special moment when some of the children's birthdays are highlighted with a special cake that Marylin takes a special pleasure to make each time, be it at the Kids Club or at the Juvenile Centre.


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    Birthday Cake delivery to one of the Boys at the Juvenile Centre

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    Kids Club outdoor hike

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    Outdoor Kids Club

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    Outdoor Kids Club

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    Juvenile centre

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    After a football session

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    Friend Visit Kids club

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    Bike ride Kids Club

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    Indoor session Juvenile Centre

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    Missions seminar


From facilitating a Church Missions Retreat to our virtual inductive bible studies,  from a weekly children's ministry in the form of kids and youth club to weekly visits to the island's Juvenile Centre, we can say that the ministries we got involved in for the past three months were all aimed at discipling and equipping but also reaching persons in need of the message of the Bible.

Guy has learned that the bicycle can be not only fun to run a few errands from time to time, but also become a source of interest for the boys. While the Bicycle attraction has proved to be a source of excessive distraction to the boys while at the Juvenile Centre, for our Kids club boys having a 1 minute ride on the YWAM Base yard remain one of the main motivation for many coming to the activities. Guy decided not to take the bicycle to the Juvenile centre unless he is unable to get a ride as it is sometimes the case  in absence of vehicle.


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    torn safety mat 

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    New safety mat of Trampoline in place

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    Rusty and new trampoline springs

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    Rusty and new trampoline springs

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    Replaced rectancle

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    Restore trampoline in use


We are thankful for all the local volunteers who are always available when possible to assist  in the ministry.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works" Heb 10: 23 -24

Thanks to your donations we where able to restore, repair and replace some of the trampoline's rusty springs and holding triangles as well as the completely torn off safety mats to the enjoyment of the kids as you can see on the next slide...

Some of the young people who attend our Youth and Kids Club often do not hide the fact that they come to enjoy the  trampoline.

Trampoline repair


We recently met  a missionary family from the US. doing church planting in St. Lucia; Ps Heath,  volunteered to join us on our weekly outreach ministry to the Juvenile Centre. We are appreciating his valuable input and are praying as to the ways we can develop even more  partnership for ministry in the future  on the Island.

@ ywamSL Kid's Ministry


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Considering the times we are living in, and the the importance for everyone to develop a deeper personal relationship with God, we felt the necessity to continue to help believers and persons desiring to learn how to study the Bible book by book using the Inductive method to continue to do so. Anyone is welcome to join us irrespective of where you are in the world as it is all virtual... 
The Friday group study on the zoom  every Friday  from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Saint Lucia Time that is GMT - 4 or US Eastern)

Or  the Monday Group every Monday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Saint Lucia Time that is GMT -4 or US Eastern).


  1. We are grateful to God for sending another person to join us in the ministry to the Boys. We praise God for His faithfulness

  1. Another Prayer Luncheon was organized and successfully executed. We praise God for the team that faithfully helped put it together, the Chaiman of the Board of YWAM St Lucia who generously gave his establishment and so much more.

  1. We Praise God for the  miracles he is about to do - we have faith !!! 


Please pray with us: 

- A Mini Bus, continue to pray with us for what God has planned now that we have no vehicle mobility. Colossians  4:2–4.

"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison—  that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. "

- The Summer Program : this year we are assisting  in the organizing of a regional youth missions training camp planned by PAWIMA a partner organization; to be held in Saint Lucia, therefore postponing our  YWAMSL Summer Missions Adventure.   Please pray for this camp as it is  aimed at challenging and introducing young people to missions.

- a Property for the Base: we continue to trust God for the provision of a property for YWAM .

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    We are praying for a 14 seater mini bus similar to this or better

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    We decided to sell what was left of our van to hopefully be able with God's favor be able to get a different vehicle for the ministry. The van had an engine problem requiring recurring expenses and we are presently praying to be able to have a vehicle that can help us with the Ministry (mini bus) or as a family.

  • We are thankful for those of you who have started sowing in the Mini Bus project,  we continue to Trust God for complete provision of the many thousand still needed;  feel free to sow in this project.

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    We are thankful for those of you who have started sowing in the Mini Bus project,  we continue to Trust God for complete provision of the many thousands still needed;  feel free to sow in this project.


 "May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."  Romans 15:5–7.

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"Car un enfant est né pour nous, un fils nous est donné. Et il exercera l’autorité royale ; il sera appelé Merveilleux Conseiller, Dieu fort, Père à jamais |et Prince de la paix." Ésaïe 9:5 BDS)
By guy Weka December 12, 2024
"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
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Eternel, tu es mon Dieu, je te glorifierai |et je louerai ton nom car tu as accompli |des projets merveilleux, conçus de longue date, |sûrs et fiables. ”. Isaïe 25:1
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Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago”. Isaiah 25:1
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Dear Friends,
By guy Weka May 30, 2024
Chers ami(e),
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